
Geographic Distance is a geographical model that uses the location of known occurrences and predicts that the likelihood of finding a species in an area depends on the distance of that area to a known occurrence point. The predicted values are the inverse linear distance to the nearest known presence point. Distances smaller than or equal to zero are set to 1 (highest score).  


This model does not use the input of environmental variables to predict the distribution of a species. 



  • Simple and easy to interpret 


  • Does not use environmental variables to predict species occurrence 




Requires absence data 


Configuration options  

EcoCommons allows the user to set model arguments as specified below. 


Setting a random seed will not impact this model. 


scale (in metres) used to divide the distance from occurrence records before computing the inverse distance.  (default = 1000) 

Tails (tails) 

The "tails” argument can be used to ignore the left or right tail of the percentile distribution for a variable. I If supplied, tails should be a character vector with a length equal to the number of variables used in the model. Valid values are "both", "low" and "high". (default = NULL) 



  • Hijmans, R.J., Elith, J. (2015). Species distribution modeling with R.